Irina Diepmaat

Communications Consultant
+358 50 448 1065

Irina Diepmaat is a versatile communications professional whose special expertise is in social and healthcare topics.

A versatile communication and marketing professional, specializing in digital communication, project management, and organizational communication. A sharp problem-solver with the ability to articulate complex concepts.

Experience in marketing communication, concept design, content production, project management, crisis communication, and internal communication. Special expertise in digital communication and accessibility, particularly from a web development perspective.

Irina has first-rate capability to lead large-scale projects and manage people, from understanding operational environments to execution. Particularly interested in reputation management and has gained experience in crisis communication in demanding situations both in the private and public sectors.

Holds degrees in digital communications and a degree in nursing. Previously worked in communication roles in the healthcare sector, non-profit sector, and with the Finnish Border Guard.